Monday, October 29, 2012

 The past week in Mrs. Spencer's Class.....

We lost more teeth......

We had more GREAT Science Projects!!!

We had a new "Star of the Week".....
And...most importantly (according to the kiddo's)...we had the first Snow Fall!
Upcoming Items....
Box Top Contest...please send in your box tops this week!
Reflections Contest Entries are due November 1st!
Halloween Parade is on Halloween at 9:00 am!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Fun Week....

This past week was a lot of fun....

We had "Parent's and Pastries"...It was so fun to see all of the kiddos come with their parents to read books and have doughnuts!

We also had a great "Look Who's a Mathematician"....
Hyrum's mom showed us how she uses math to do Quilting!

We had some more great science experiments!

We had some "Star's of the Week"

And we had to say good-bye to a classmate who is moving :(
Good luck Madisyn!!! We love you and will miss you!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Back to School Again....

I hope that everyone had a great Fall Break!!! I know that I did :-) I was very glad to get back to school though and to my sweet second grade class! Here is a few of the highlights we had from our short week before Fall Break....
We had Bridger's mom come to do our "Look Who's a Mathematician". She works in a pharmacy and she showed the students how she uses math every day in her job...particularly how she counts by 5's!

She then allowed the students to get to try counting out skittles by 5's and then placing them in a bottle. The bottle was labeled with what the students learned about prescriptions and how and when they should use them. It was great! Thank You!
The students who had read over the required monthly amount during the month of September also got to be put into a drawing for some great prizes. These two lucky students got a new furry pet!
And we had a birthday over the weekend!!! Happy Birthday Madison!!!
*Note to parents....Tomorrow is Parents & Pastries from 8:00-9:00 at the school. Your child will be coming home with a note about it today.
Also: The PTO Book Fair is going on in the Gym this week. Please stop by if you can and look through the books with your child.

Monday, October 8, 2012's almost fall break!

Yay...Fall Break is almost here!
This week will be a short one...we will not have school on Thurday and Friday.
Here is an update on what we did last week....
It was Red Ribbon Week...Which kept us very busy.....

So we had a little Read-a-Thon!

We also had a fun Pajama Day!!!

Hyrum's mom came for "Look Who's a Reader"...the kids all loved that Hyrum had his own Pirate book that was all about him!
And we had our first School Student of the Month from Mrs. Spencer's Class....
Congratulations Devan for being the September Student of the Month!

*Note: I sent home the Scholastic Book orders for November. They will be due on October 29th. There are many great ideas in there for Christmas...if you would like to order something for Christmas and you don't want your child to know about it...just send me an email or text and I will keep it safe for you :)

*Also: I am going to start having some parent helpers come in to help with the last half hour of our math time. They would be helping with some of the students who need a little extra support in finishing the lesson. If you are interested...please email me. This would ususally be between 1:30 and 2:00 daily but if you are only able to come once and a while-that would be great as well.