Sunday, September 30, 2012

What we survived this past week.......

We survived our first Fire Drill....
The students did great with the drill...we talked about what we needed to do and when we heard the alarm...we calmly exited the building and went out to the south lawn of the school where we waited until we got the go ahead to go back inside! Great job kids!!!
We also survived school picture day.....

The kids were so cute all dressed up for the pictures!
We had a mom come to do our "Look Who's a Mathematician"...she showed the kids how you use math to make recipes....the kids loved it so much that several of them wanted to write down the recipe that they had on the board :-)
We had another great mom come to do our "Look Who's a Reader". She told the students the story of Les Miserables. They were in awe of how big the book for Les Miserables is and that she had actually read it! They loved hearing about the story.

We had some great Science Projects this week from AubriRose, Madisyn, Tucker and Canyon!

 Of course we have lost fact, on Thursday, I warned the kids that we couldn't loose any more teeth in September  because our chart was full...we would have to wait for October....but then on Friday...of course we had another lost tooth :-)
Plus I love this view from the playground in the students are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place!
*Also Parents...Please remember the SEP Conferences this week on October 3 and 4th...if you have not already signed up for a time-please go to this website to schedule your time to come in....Thanks!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy Week.......

This past week was a busy one for our little second grade class! It started out with all of the fun of the Fall Festival.....

I had so much fun getting to see most of the students at the Fall Festival. We, second grade teachers, were manning the Bubble Gum Blowing Contest. I got to see some wild faces with that!
Once the Fall Festival was over...we spent the rest of the busy week doing many new things......
We had a fabulous mom come and do our "Look Who's a Reader". She read us some great books and showed how you can use Voice in your reading.
We had Nerd Day....I had some cute little "Nerds" in my class!!! 
We also had some great Science Experiments on Friday.....
 Callie taught us about the Electric Lemon...I had no idea that lemons could produce Electricity!
 Madison Showed us how we could use force to shoot a film canister across the table.
Sami taught us about density...using water, food coloring and cooking oil.
 We had a "Star of the Week"
And of course...we had to have a lost tooth!!!
Parents: Here are a few reminders for this week:
1. Remember that the Scholastic Book orders are due on Tuesday September 25th. You can either send in the order form and payment to me or you can order online. There is a link on the right sidebar of the blog.
2. We will be having a school wide fire drill on Tuesday September 25th. Please take a minute to talk to your child about fire drills in preparation. We will also talk about fire drills in class before the drill actually happens.
3. Remember that Tuesday's are our Library Days. If your child comes home with a book from the school library, make sure that they bring it back on Tuesdays so that they can get a new book at the library.
4. We have P.E. on Wednesdays. Please make sure that your child has good sturdy shoes on Wednesday so that they can properly participate in PE.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The latest news from your 2nd graders......

Wow...The weeks go by fast! These are a few of the highlights from our last week......

Second Graders apparently keep the Tooth Fairy in Business!!!!
AubriRose's Mom came and Read us some fun books for
"Look Who's a Reader"

We had another Birthday!!!!
Cameron gave did a great science experiment on Ooblek and sound waves! The kids had fun with that!
We had another Star of the Week!
We  finished our GREAT read-aloud: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. This is my favorite children's chapter book. The students LOVED it! Ask them about the story...... 
We wrote letters to Principal Killan and Mr. Moon (our Custodian)
And we got a Surprise letter back!!!
And finally we cleaned out our the "Desk Fairy" could make a visit!
A few notes as well......
Parents-Remember to click on the Spelling Words link on the right hand side of the blog-This will link you to the Spelling City site where there are some great games to help the students study their weekly spelling words.
Also-Remember the Scholastic link to the side as well. I am sending home a new October Scholastic book order Monday and it will be due on September 25th with the September order (so you can get the fun Halloween books that they have early in October). You can either make your book order online through the website or you can send me a check and the order form on the back of the catalog to class and I will make the order.
Help Needed: I am in need of more parents or family members who would be willing to come do our "Look who's a Mathmatician" and "Look Who's a Reader". These have been wonderful learning experiences for the students to see how grown-ups use math and reading in their everday lives! If you are able to help out....please send me an email: or you can send a note with your child or leave me a text as well.
I am still trying to see exactly where I will need parent volunteers in the classroom during the week...I know that many of you would love to help :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Books, Books, Books....

Hi Parents,
I have a few little notes I need to pass on...that all have to do with books!
First of all.....
Our school library day is Tuesday. Please make sure that your children bring back the library books that they have on Tuesdays so that they can return them and check out a new book. Also, please talk with them about choosing "Just Right Books"...they will know what that means :-)
Today, your children will come home with their first Take Home Library Book. Please make sure that they read their book and return it TOMORROW. They will then be able to check out a new book each day. I recently benchmarked each of the children and the book they are bringing home is appropriate for their current level. (As we benchmark throughout the year...that will change, I am sure).
I also sent home our first Scholastic Book orders today. I really love Scholastic Book Orders. You can either order the books the old fashioned way, or you can order them online....the link to our class scholastic site is:
I have also placed a link to the scholastic site on the right side of the blog....if you just click on the picture you will be able to go right to the site.
The book orders for September will be due September 25.
Each of the teachers has a book basket that will be auctioned off at the Fall family Festival. Our class book is Deep Sea Dive.
Items that would go with this book, would be things like beach/sand toys, bubbles, swimming items, towels...etc. All of the items need to be collected by this Thursday. Thank you to all that have already donated!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

News from our classroom......

News from our classroom....

We are starting to get into our routine with this school year. We are learning about many new things and having many new adventures! I love these students more and more each day.  We celebrated our first birthday of the new school year this week..... Happy Birthday Madisyn!.

We also had another lost tooth....this time during class....that was big excitement!!! 
We had another great mom come and tell the students how she is a reader...
and another great mom who told the students a great story....which ended up teaching them a great lesson about how she uses math in their everyday life...but they didn't even know they were learning...awesome!
On Friday we had our first group of science experiments for the year! I LOVED them!!! 
First we learned about what happens to eggs when they are immersed in different types of liquids for a day....very interesting and a little gross...the kids loved holding the weird feeling eggs :-)
Next we learned about volcano's and had a little eruption in our own classroom! 
Finally we learned about Surface Tension with a cool experiment involving dish soap and a little boat...the kids had many questions about this!
We also had a another "Star of the Week"

I love watching these kids learn and enjoy every second I have with them...I can't wait to see what this week holds!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What we have been doing so far in 2nd grade.....

 The first couple of weeks of 2nd grade are under our belts! We are getting used to our routines and getting to know each other. We have also started our new "Journeys" literacy program. We have finished our first book we read as a class, "The Chocolate Touch" and have now started a great book, "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane". Here are a few of the highlights of the last week:
We have learned about Math......
We have learned about reading.....
We have had our first "Star Student"
We have lost teeth.....
We have had fun!!!!